| 1. | When dealing with a larger number of items, using of cards may become impractical . 当涉及大量项目时,使用卡片的方式就变得很麻烦了。 |
| 2. | They should be receptive, appreciative, and fair when dealing with employee's suggestions . 在处理职工建议时,他们应是易于接近、有鉴别力和公平的。 |
| 3. | An exaggerated vertical scale is useful, however, when dealing with low dips and subdued topography . 但在倾角小,地形平缓的情况下,放大垂直比例尺是有用的。 |
| 4. | I think it better, however, not to complain to miss bulstrode. one has to be on one's guard when dealing with that one ! 可是我想还是不去向布尔斯德罗德小姐抱怨。跟这个女人打交道,可要当心点。 |
| 5. | Keep on your toes when dealing with others 在处理和他人的关系时要小心谨慎。 |
| 6. | Certain rules apply when dealing with such commands 当处理这些命令时,应用某些规则。 |
| 7. | Be diplomatic when dealing with in - law 在和姻亲交往时要有一些外交手段。 |
| 8. | Always be truthful and forthcoming when dealing with the media 与媒体接触须真诚及随和。 |
| 9. | Be diplomatic when dealing with in - law 在和姻亲之间要有些外交手段。 |
| 10. | Do not react too harshly when dealing with partners 狮子:在和伙伴商讨事情时不要过于严苛。 |